The story actually begins in
2008 when Jake went on a short-term trip to El Salvador with a group from
Discovery Christian Church. In addition to feeding the homeless in San Salvador, the
country’s capital, the team spent time repairing a dormitory in a government
run orphanage in the city’s poor outskirts. Some boys there have parents in
jail or addicted to drugs, other have parents who left them for dead on the
streets as infants. Many have no parents at all. They have little clothing, no
shoes, few personal belongings, and awful hygiene due to their living
It was a humbling and
convicting experience. Could we go back to our comfortable homes, brand name clothes,
our well-paying jobs, and do nothing when real
children were suffering physically, emotionally, and spiritually? Jake
returned home and immediately began convincing Becky that she should go on the
next trip. At the time, Adam was three-years-old and Abby had just turned one. Becky
had never been away from the kids for an extended period of time and certainly
didn’t want to leave them for a week. She finally agreed (somewhat reluctantly)
to go.
The Becky that left our home in Jan 2009 was not the Becky that returned a week later! Becky immediately felt a connection and some sort of ‘call’ to El Salvador but just was not sure what that call looked like. Over the next two years we took a combined 11 trips and continued to invest more of our lives into the orphaned children of El Salvador. It was late last year when we felt God calling us to do more than just spend time with these kids. After many lengthy discussions and weeks of prayerful consideration, we decided to begin the process of trying to adopt a child.
Becky and some of the boys at CISNA |
It was a few months later that
we began to realize that God had moved our hearts closer to where He wanted,
but was not done with us yet. After Becky’s trip to El Salvador in March, God pressed her
heart to talk with Jake about serving there full time and turning this
heartfelt passion into a reality. Jake struggled with the reality of giving up
everything we have here; our “safe” and “comfortable” life, to jump into the
unknown. What about the kids? What about
our family here in Pittsburgh?
What about my job? As we prayed and
examined Scripture, God began to reveal His nature, will, and desires.
Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and
daily food. If one of you says to him, “Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well
fed,” but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? – James 1:27
As we read these passages we
think of the orphans we’ve met and their desire to have attention, love,
someone to really care about them, and real hope. Thinking about the “chains of
injustice” mentioned in Isaiah 58, we picture the gangs that plague San Salvador. It breaks
our hearts to know that many of the boys from the orphanages will end up in one
of these violent gangs when they are sent back to the streets at age 18
with no education, no future, and no hope. It is clear that God has a heart for
the poor, orphaned, hungry, and oppressed. Was He serious about wanting us to help care for “the least of these”? Isn't that what we were already doing? How much more does He want?! Jesus
The King will reply, “Truly I tell you, whatever you
did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for
me.” – Matthew 25:40
Jesus asks for everything but we try to give him
less. The Creator and Sustainer of the
Universe (the one who decides if I take another breath!) has given us life and
His infinite love and we respond by giving Him some of our leftover money, time, and talents. The more we studied the Bible,
the more we realized that only thing we can do is to respond in love.
my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to
indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping
this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” – Galatians 5:13-14
I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am
nothing. If I give all I possess to the
poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love,
I gain nothing. – 1
Corinthians 13:2-3
According to God we are here
to love. Not much else really matters. God has given us a real love for the
children in El Salvador;
a desire to want to do something real for them. To help to give them a chance
in life; to love them unconditionally, to help bring them real hope. God has
been tugging on our hearts over the past two years and we cannot ignore His
call for us to serve there in El
Salvador. So.... here we are now! Going all
About six months ago God brought to our
attention a faith-based non-profit organization called Christ For the City
International (CFCI). CFCI has over 250
workers in Latin America, Canada,
Spain, Mali, and the U.S. We met their staff in El Salvador as well as their headquarters in Omaha, Nebraska
and are excited to work through an organization that has more than 15 years of
experience meeting the needs of people living in poverty. CFCI’s vision is that
there be “no place without a witness, no church without a vision, no person
without hope”. We completely share this vision, and would like the results
of our service to help keep kids off the streets, lower crime rates, enable people
to find better jobs, and get churches involved in needs around them.
Adam (six-years-old) and
Abby (almost four-years-old) are both excited about moving to El Salvador. It
is so cute to hear “God please take care of the Salvador kids” as a frequent request in their
nightly prayers. Adam is into soccer and Abby loves dancing so we think they’ll
fit right in with the Latin American culture! If we are able to raise
sufficient funding, we plan to make the big move next June.
We are so
thankful for those of you who have been a part of this ministry decision
with us! Thank you for your prayers and words of encouragement. Some of you
have already expressed interest in taking this journey with us and have asked
how to help. We would love for you all
to be part of this great adventure with us! We will need support of all kinds:
prayer partners, one time gifts for travel and language training, and our greatest
need will be for partners who support us monthly to help us cover our living
expenses. If you are interested, you can view our donation page for more information.
God gave us the greatest present we could ever
receive when he sent Jesus to earth to die for us so we could spend eternity
with Him in heaven. We clearly do not deserve this gift but yet we take it
freely! We are very excited to tell the people of El Salvador about this gift that
they have also received…it is for everyone! We hope you enjoy this Christmas
season, and remember to give thanks for your many blessings!
Hey guys,
Jim and I received your Christmas card. What a beautiful family you have!! We are super excited for the news you shared and are praying to see how God would have us be involved in your ministry. We'll let you know soon but know that we are already praying for you. How cool that you'll be living in a Latin American country... a taste of my childhood!
Our love,
The Paynes
Jim, Danaly, Lucy, Jenna & Michael