Well...... JUNE IS FINALLY HERE!!! What an exciting year we have had praying, planning, waiting, waiting, waiting, meeting new friends, and sharing our passion with old friends. What a true blessing this whole experience of following God's lead to serving in El Salvador has been in our lives. God has blessed us beyond words. He has truly blessed this decision to move to El Salvador and has been really guiding us and taking us step by step. What has really been a blessing is that he has given us peace and patience through it all! That is a miracle in itself!
We are just a week away from our arrival day in El Salvador and we have already sold our home in Pittsburgh and are spending this last week visiting with friends and family. Although we do have some last minute details to wrap up, we are grateful that we already have a home lined up to rent in El Salvador (with furniture!) We have also spoken to one of the English speaking schools there and it looks like we will be sending Adam and Abby to this school. They will have all of their regular classes taught in English and will also have a Spanish class. It is so hard to say goodbye to friends and family that we may not see for quite a while, but it is amazing to us how unselfish and encouraging our friends and family have been. Thank you for your encouragement and prayers! They are so very appreciated.
When we arrive we will have lots to do to get settled in; we will need to apply for residency, meet and apply with the school that Abby and Adam will attend, figure out our schedules for our own set of schooling or tutoring and the list goes on! We have spoken to some staff members there at CFCI and we are excited about beginning to shadow them in some of the classes where they are already teaching English. One of the places where they teach English classes is at a small school in which the children that attend are mostly children of gang members and are only able to attend the school because they are sponsored. This is such a great opportunity for the children to be able to learn English because it greatly increases their chance for a decent job. We are excited to be a part of this and so thankful to so many who are allowing us the chance to be God's hands and feet.
So excited for you guys! Can't wait to see how God uses you in El Salvador!
Thinking of you guys during your last week in the States as you say your good-byes and take this BIG step!
So excited for you guys!! Looking forward to praying and partnering with you as you follow God's call on your lives to El Salvador. I know he has a great work planned for you to transform the country of El Salvador for his kingdom.