I have felt conflicted recently about how I sometimes worry about the kids we work with; how they have next to nothing, how they must not be happy running around in bare feet, dirty clothes, dirty hands, some with rotted out teeth… the list goes on. The first thing that crosses our minds many days is how WE can “fix” things , what can WE do to help (because it is so obvious that these kids are miserable… well, that is what we tend to think many times).
But the reality is that there is a factor that we don’t take into account; they are not always thinking about their comfort level because to be honest they aren’t used to it and quite frankly have never had it. The families care for each other and give of their time and resources if other family members are in need; aunts caring for nieces and nephews while the mom works (and many times the father is not around), young siblings in charge of littler siblings even though they would much rather be free to play. We have seen as many as 10 people live in a one-room shack; somehow managing not to kill each other (Of course we all need our own space many times throughout the day or week… a luxury that they just can’t afford). They have little to no toys, but somehow manage not to complain every five seconds that they are bored and have nothing to do, a phrase I have said in the past and have heard from my kids too many times.
I have worried about the kids there and what they will end up being when they grow up, and it all comes down to the fact that I want their lives to be more comfortable than what they have now. I want this, and I am sure after a tough life the parents want this for their kids too, but probably think it is impossible. I am struggling between if this is wrong to feel this way, or if they are just fine living this life, difficult as it may be.
What I do know is “we” or “I” cannot fix anything or everything. I will just be here for them to love them and spend time with them and at times spoil them just a little. And what God wants to do through all of this He will do. Whether it be to bring to our attention a family in desperate need, or just be the little excitement these kids have for the week, or just be there to show these families that someone does care and thinks they are special. We do believe that even if it is just for one kid, or something God wants to do in our hearts, there is a reason. And so far it has been more than worth it.
life in el salvador
the kids
You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself. – Galatians 5:13-14
Love your attitude, Jake. Just keep loving them! See you in July.
We are praying for you guys. You are doing a great job. Give the kids hugs from strangers that love them! :) - Danaly
Although we like to see long term changes we are most often seed planters part of a network to complete Gods work.Heart wrenching as it is to see all the hopelessness and despair make a difference in the moment
YOU ARE! Continue to seek how you can be part of more long term changes.. let go and let God!! we love you